Thursday, 25 February 2010

Secret Language

Secret Language

CODE: A system which substitutes certain symbols, words, or groups of letters for the words or phrases or whole messages of plaintext.

Secret writing in lemon juice

Squeeze lemon into a cup or egg cup. With a toothpick, write out your message “between the lines”.To read the messages, heat the paper at a 150-watt globe.

In chemical ink:

Mix a quater-teaspoon of iron-sulphate with a quater-cup of water. Write the message as before. Mix a quater-teaspoon of washing soda with a quater-cup of water. Dab on message with cotton wool and wait for message to reveal itself.

The St. Cyr cipher

Based on the simple principle of sliding alphabets and developed by the famous French militairy college of the same name, this is one of the most effective simple ciphers.To make a it you need to take two strips of white cartridge paper, one about 3 cm wide and 20 cm long,and the other 1 cm wide and 40 cm long. Cut a slot in the shorter strip long enough to fit a normal alphabet above it.Write in the alphabet.

Other examples of secret languages:

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